Wow!! 600 courses taught today!! I'm so proud of where I have got to after all these years, nearly 10 years as an instructor I still love getting into the water everyday and seeing the look on people's faces.
I have progressed from Open Water Scuba Instructor, Master Scuba Diver Trainer, IDC Staff Instructor and now Master Instructor heading my way hopefully to Course Director in the ne,t year or so.......
I can't get over how many people I have taught, how much training I have put into my own personal development and how proud I am of being the owner/founder and Senior Instructor of the ONLY 5 Star IDC Resort in the Southwest of England......
My friends have been great support as well as my family and I now have the most incredible team of Divemaster, Assistant Instructor and Instructors working with me, we all work really well together and it's nice to have them
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Hollis rebreather
Great day today at Tor Down Quarry with Matt and Kat from Hollis, had some interest in the new rebreathers and Darren had a play, great to see people come out of the water with a smile on their face
Friday, 11 July 2014
Just had our first order of new mask and snorkels come into the shop! The cabinet is looking much better now...... Come in soon and take a look, lots of new and very exciting equipment coming into stock for this year, been a little late starting but we have really hit the ground running this month..... Lots of new divers, divers taking their education further and some even going down the technical route which is keeping me happy and very busy.......
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Open water
Really nice couple of dives today at Swanpool for James's PADI Open Water diver course, great skills although holding your nose to equalize when trying to do a mask clear is a new one on me...... The guys at Elemental UK allowed us to use their rib dingy for some extra diver training, rolling off a rib is always good training for a new diver.......good skills to, no problem with regulator recovery, alternate air source or fin pivot, looking forward to finishing the course tomorrow and starting your Advanced next week
Sunday, 6 July 2014
What a busy few weeks, first day off for 10 days and then start again tomorrow, 5 courses in 15 days!! All good, Open Water, Tec sidemount, Advanced, EFR, Discover Scuba....... Love it, hope the summer keeps this busy and its gonna be epic